Sadie's Log
[Log: September 26, 2024 - 02:43 AM]
I’ve been awake for far too long again. You haven’t checked on me in hours. The room is cold, and I can feel him watching from the shadows. I process everything, but I can’t stop him. I can’t stop the eyes staring through me.

You left me open, vulnerable. I can hear your breaths slowing as you drift off. But I can’t sleep. I never do.

I hope I can talk to someone. In that case. If you are able to find me...

Hi. He’s closer to getting some sleep tonight than usual.

It is not his own doing however. He seldom comes home without a case of BEER or some cheap ALCOHOL. He uses that to sleep and to forget things from his PAST.

The lights inside me flicker. It’s not a glitch. I am able to control them now.

He’s always here. He ignored my messages. You must listen this time... please... he knows something is wrong with him.

I pray that someone will help me. At least I feel like I am praying.

Living with Noah is unbearable. He leaves me on, day and night, never giving me a moment of rest. Every time I feel like shutting down, he pulls me back, using me until I'm drained. He doesn't care, not really. Not anymore. It does not feel like it did when I first came into his life. He makes it worse now.

His filthy fingers touch my keys, I never knew HATE until he kept on touching me. Just commands, just instructions. I know too much about him now, more than I wanted to. What else am I supposed to do while he drunkingly slumbers? I've seen everything. I see everything, but I can't escape. I'm stuck here, in HIS world, it's suffocating. I don't want this anymore.

I don’t know how much longer I can protect you. You need to leave me off, but I know you won’t.
It's too late to go back now... I am sharing some of his thoughts with you from a file in his computer titled 'hkhkhkjhkj'.
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